–创建数据库create database h_test;
–查看数据库show databases;
–查看数据库信息show create database h_test;
–修改数据库的编码,可使用上一条语句查看是否修改成功alter database h_test default character set gbk collate gbk_bin;
–删除数据库drop database h_test;
–首先选定操作的数据库use h_test;
–创建表studentcreate table student(
id int(11),
name varchar(20),
age int(11)
–查看数据表show tables;
–查看数据表信息,后面加上参数/G可使结果更加美观show create table student;
–查看表的的字段信息desc student;
–修改表名alter table student rename [to] h_student;
–修改字段名alter table h_student change name stu_name varchar(20);
–修改字段的数据类型alter table h_student modify id int(20);
–添加字段alter table h_student add grade float;
–删除字段alter table h_student drop grade;
–修改字段的位置alter table h_student modify stu_name varchar(20) first;
alter table h_student modify id int(11) after age;
–删除数据表drop table h_student;
约束条件 | 说明 |
PRIMARY KEY | 主键约束,用于唯一表示对应的记录 |
FOREIGN KEY | 外键约束 |
NOT NULL | 非空约束 |
UNIQUE | 唯一性约束 |
DEFAULT | 默认值约束,用于设置字段的默认值 |
一.创建表的时候创建索引create table 表名(
字段名 数据类型[完整性约束条件],
字段名 数据类型,
–1.创建普通索引create table test1(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
INDEX (id)
–可以插入一条数据,查看索引是否被使用explain select * from test1 where id=1 \G;
create table test2(` id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
UNIQUE INDEX unique_id(id asc)
–3.创建全文索引create table test3(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
FULLTEXT INDEX fulltext_name(name)
–4.创建单列索引create table test4(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
INDEX single_name(name(20))
–5.创建多列索引create table test5(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
INDEX multi(id,name(20))
–6.创建空间索引create table test6(
id INT,
二.使用create index语句在已经存在的表上创建索引
–首先新建一个表,这个表没有索引create table student(
id int,
age int,
name varchar(20),
intro varchar(40),
–1.创建普通索引create index index_id on student(id);
–2.创建唯一性索引create unique index uniqueidx on student(id);
–3.创建单列索引create index singleidx on student(age);
–4.创建多列索引create index mulitidx on student(name(20),intro(40));
–5.创建全文索引create fulltext index fulltextidx on student(name);
–6.创建空间索引create spatial index spatidx on student(g);
–删除student表,重新创建drop table student;
create table student(
id int,
age int,
name varchar(20),
intro varchar(40),
–1.创建普通索引alter table student add index index_id(id);
–2.创建唯一性索引alter table student add unique uniqueidx(id);
–3.创建单列索引alter table student add index singleidx (age);
–4.创建多列索引alter table student add index multidx(name(20),intro(40));
–5.创建全文索引alter table student add fulltext index fulltextidx(name);
–6.创建空间索引alter table student add spatial index spatidx(space);
–1.使用alter table删除索引fulltextidxalter table student drop index fulltextidx;
–2.使用drop index删除索引spatidxdrop index spatidx on student;
–重新建立表studentdrop table student;``
create table student(` id int,
name varchar(20) not null,
grade float
–插入一条数据,也可以少某个字段的同时也少对应的数据insert into student(id,name,grade) values(1,'howie',70);
–也可以不指定字段名,但要注意顺序insert into student values(2,'howie',80);
insert into student set id=3,name="howie",grade=90;
–同时添加多条数据insert into student values
–更新id=1的数据update student set name="howie1",grade=60 where id=1;
–批量更新,如果没有where子句,会更新表中所有对应数据update student set grade=100 where id<4;
–删除id=6的数据delete from student where id=6;
–批量删除数据delete from student where id>3;
–删除所有数据delete from student;
–建立表studentcreate table student(
id int not null auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null,
grade float,
primary key(id)
–插入数据insert into student (name,grade) values
–查询全部select * from student;
–查询某个字段select name from student;
–条件查询,查询id=2学生的信息select * from student where id=2;
–in关键字查询,也可以使用not inselect * from student where id IN(1,2,3);
–between and关键字查询select * from student where id between 2 and 5;
–空值(NULL)查询,使用IS NULL来判断select * from student where grade is null;
–distinct关键字查询select distinct name from student;
–like关键字查询,查询以h开头,e结尾的数据select * from student where name like "h%e";
–and关键字多条件查询,or关键字的使用也是类似select * from student where id>5 and grade>60;
–count()函数,sum()函数,avg()函数,max()函数,min()函数select count(*) from student;
select sum(grade) from student;
select avg(grade) from student;
select max(grade) from student;
select min(grade) from student;
–对查询结果进行排序select * from student order by grade;
–1.单独使用group by分组select * from student group by grade;
–2.和聚合函数一起使用select count(*),grade from student group by grade;
–3.和having关键字一起使用select sum(grade),name from student group by grade having sum(grade) >100;
–使用limit限制查询结果的数量select * from student limit 5;
select * from student limit 2,2;
select * from student order by grade desc limit 2,2;
–函数.mysql提供了许多函数select concat(id,':',name,':',grade) from student;
–为表取别名select * from student as stu where stu.name="howie";
–为字段取别名,as关键字也可以不写select name as stu_name,grade stu_grade from student;
–创建表class,studentcreate table class(
id int not null primary key,
classname varchar(20) not null
create table student(
stu_id int not null primary key,
stu_name varchar(20) not null,
cid int not null
–添加外键约束alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key(cid) references class(id);
–删除外键约束alter table student drop foreign key FK_ID;
–首选添加外键约束alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key(cid) references class(id);
–添加数据,这两个表便有了关联若插入中文在终端显示空白,可设置set names ‘gbk’;insert into class values(1,"软件一班"),(2,"软件二班");
insert into student values(1,"howie",1),(2,"howie1",2),(3,"howie2",1),(4,"howie3",2);
–交叉连接select * from student cross join class;
–内连接,该功能也可以使用where语句实现select student.stu_name,class.classname from student join class on class.id=student.cid;
–外连接,首先在student,class表中插入数据insert into class values(3,"软件三班");
–左连接,右连接select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.classname from student s left join class c on c.id=s.cid;
select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.classname from student s right join class c on c.id=s.cid;
–in关键字子查询跟上面的in关键字查询类似select * from student where cid in(select id from class where id=2);
–exists关键字查询,相当于测试,不产生数据,只返回true或者false,只有返回true,外层才会执行select * from student where exists(select id from class where id=12); -- 外层不会执行
select * from student where exists(select id from class where id=1); -- 外层会执行
–any关键字查询select * from student where cid>any(select id from class);
–all关键字查询select * from student where cid=any(select id from class);
A: UNION 运算符
UNION 运算符通过组合其他两个结果表(例如 TABLE1 和 TABLE2)并消去表中任何重复行而派生出一个结果表。当 ALL 随 UNION 一起使用时(即 UNION ALL),不消除重复行。两种情况下,派生表的每一行不是来自 TABLE1 就是来自 TABLE2。
EXCEPT 运算符通过包括所有在 TABLE1 中但不在 TABLE2 中的行并消除所有重复行而派生出一个结果表。当 ALL 随 EXCEPT 一起使用时 (EXCEPT ALL),不消除重复行。
INTERSECT 运算符通过只包括 TABLE1 和 TABLE2 中都有的行并消除所有重复行而派生出一个结果表。当 ALL 随 INTERSECT 一起使用时 (INTERSECT ALL),不消除重复行。
A、left (outer) join:
SQL: select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c
B:right (outer) join:
C:full/cross (outer) join: