sequelize [task]
Available tasks
db:migrate Run pending migrations.
db:migrate:old_schema Update legacy migration table
db:migrate:undo Revert the last migration run.
db:migrate:undo:all Revert all migrations ran.
db:seed Run specified seeder.
db:seed:all Run every seeder.
db:seed:undo Deletes data from the database.
db:seed:undo:all Deletes data from the database.
help Display this help text. Aliases: h
init Initializes the project.
init:config Initializes the configuration.
init:migrations Initializes the migrations.
init:models Initializes the models.
init:seeders Initializes the seeders.
migration:create Generates a new migration file. Aliases: migration:generate
model:create Generates a model and its migration. Aliases: model:generate
seed:create Generates a new seed file. Aliases: seed:generate
version Prints the version number. Aliases: v
Available manuals
help:db:migrate The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate".
help:db:migrate:old_schema The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate:old_schema".
help:db:migrate:undo The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate:undo".
help:db:migrate:undo:all The documentation for "sequelize db:migrate:undo:all".
help:db:seed The documentation for "sequelize db:seed".
help:db:seed:all The documentation for "sequelize db:seed:all".
help:db:seed:undo The documentation for "sequelize db:seed:undo".
help:db:seed:undo:all The documentation for "sequelize db:seed:undo:all".
help:init The documentation for "sequelize init".
help:init:config The documentation for "sequelize init:config".
help:init:migrations The documentation for "sequelize init:migrations".
help:init:models The documentation for "sequelize init:models".
help:init:seeders The documentation for "sequelize init:seeders".
help:migration:create The documentation for "sequelize migration:create".
help:model:create The documentation for "sequelize model:create".
help:seed:create The documentation for "sequelize seed:create".
help:version The documentation for "sequelize version".